About Trudy

I grew up in a large family, we were self-sufficient. My grandparents lived with us, they along with our parents taught us from a young age how to make and mend things and to produce and pickle/jam our own food and how to make our own clothes.
They inspired me to fall in love with a passion for textiles and catering. Over the years I have explored both these interests which have lead me down many paths and ventures, where I have continued to learn and develop my skill range.

I made shoes at Conkers Shoes for 4.5 years and went on to make leather upcycled clothing for an Import Export company, whilst working at The Real McCoy in Exeter with vintage clothing. My own label was produced during this time, supplying 12 concessions of Top Shop and exporting my collection to Japan and the USA. I saw at first-hand how manufacturing, tailoring and pattern cutting, play such a vital part in a garments finish and fit, which has given me a great advantage in buying quality garments for Cariads all these years later. I am able to look at garments and whole collections and see if they will hang well and if they will be a good fit on my individual customers. Invaluable when buying stock.

I have continued to hone my skills whilst working alongside the previous owner and sharpen my eye, so that I can really tailor my choices when picking out great quality garments making sure they are well made and look fantastic on. I am able to source fabrics that reflect the quality I am looking for, making sure they are comfortable, will wash well and look still look great.

Working in Social Services has given me a wealth of knowledge to pull on when I am helping customers, perhaps with sensitive issues that need that extra bit of support and understanding, guiding them both practically and emotionally to buy what suits them and make them feel not only at ease but their best, I have been told that this is one of my main strengths on the shop floor and has made me stand out from other establishments. I am happy to go that extra mile to help and listen. The beauty of now moving Cariads online means that this can still carry on, in the privacy of a one to one chat, if that is required, an email, an appointment via a video link perhaps or just a friendly phone call. This side of the business I will develop over time as this is a new side to Cariads I am excited about.
